Interview | Ronald van Dalfsen – Drumbeats Neil Peart Legacy
On a sunny Friday afternoon, we meet at a venue in Helmond [NL]. Dutch Rush cover band Rushians will be making their appearance this evening and they brought friend and guest Ronald van Dalfsen to introduce his translations of Neil Peart’s `Ghost Rider’ and the brand new `Drumbeats’ to the audience of devoted Rush-fans. Ronald, accompanied by his agent Bas ‘Sjerruf’ Aldenzee, has quite the story to tell. About the creation, translation and a range of upcoming surprises. About music in general and foremost about his love for Rush!
With the sun shining, we soon switch our freshly brewed cappuccinos for sunny I.P.A. craftbeers, bouncing off the rays of sunlight in our glasses. It sparkles, as does our conversation.