

By Johanne James

Good day dear readers and how are you? I do hope the week has been profitable for you?

Anyway. Has anyone out there had a Thai massage?
No? Then I highly recommend it! If you have any aches or pains they will be reduced to a memory. I had one a little while ago at a place called Fai Siam and I must say, it was an experience. On entrance I was greeted by two friendly and smiling faces who bowed in typical Thai style. I was then lead into the treatment room and asked to remove my top and lay face down on the table. The kind lady prepared herself by cleaning her hands and preparing some hot stones. Hmm? Hang on, so much for social distancing, I suppose it’s not so bad here? Then how could you possibly have a social distancing massage? Never mind, she began. I was pulled and stretched and twisted to the point where I thought, I’m gonna be taller when I get out of here, and if not taller then at least I’ll have the ability to see what’s behind me without having to turn around!

It was very relaxing and I found myself nearly falling asleep and then, ouch!
I was twisted and then prodded in my buttocks that had me asking myself, this could be the day that I die! She hit a spot that I didn’t even know I had and by golly it hurt. Sorry she said, did I hurt you, YES I replied. I was sore for days after, but it was worth it. Then came the hot stones on my back, and ooh they were a bit hot but bearable. Now I know what to expect I would happily have one a week if I could afford it, but on my measly salary I will have to forgo that luxury for now. Once finished I was able to relax while she left the room and I got dressed at my own pace. I felt that I could sleep for a week as I felt drunk, and if a massage drunk is what I was, I would willingly become an alcoholic!

Thanks for listening.

Johanne James

#thai #massage #blog #headbangerslifestyle #hbls #awayoflife 


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