By Johanne James
Hello all!
Let’s talk about the vacation!
Where do you go and what do you do? You can always spot the tourists from the locals, can’t you? I can’t remember the last time I went on a proper vacation. Tell a lie, it was 1998 to Antigua in the Caribbean. A truly beautiful place that I can recommend as there is a beach for every day of the year, I kid you not!
What does it mean to be on holiday? Is it that you forget your woes for the few days or weeks and absorb your surroundings? Why is it that so many people go wherever they go only to stay within the confines of the hotel? Yes, stay within a gated community, within the safety of the compound? Should one not be adventurous and explore, or is it that we still fear the unknown. Some dare to go potholing, or swimming with sharks or climbing a mountain. Me, I’m too chicken to do any of that, so I’ll stay within the confines of my hotel room and observe those who have more courage than I do! LOL. Not!
Experiences are all we have and what memories will you take with you into the afterlife? LOL. I’m always on holiday, so I can’t complain, but the best was written in a previous column. Yes, it was the Metal Cruise. The beauty of that was, I didn’t have to pay for it, in fact I was paid to be there, how good is that? So wherever you go, what ever you do and where and whom you do it with, enjoy the moment. For moments are all we have and as I have said many a time before and fear that I repeat myself, we are here for a good time and not a long time. It’s best we enjoy the moments that we live, for life can often get in the way of living!
Thanks for listening.
Johanne James