Everybody suffers from COVID and HeadBangers LifeStyle is no exception.
Since headbangerslifestyle.com officially launched September 2015, we and our small team of loyal contributors have tried very hard to bring you quality interviews, exclusives, reviews, videos, live reports, blogs and more, and we’ve been sharing our content for free.
We also offered the section HBLS BandPage where (smaller) bands got the chance to present themselves.
– And then 2020 started and the world looked completely different. –
Everybody suffers in these COVID times and unfortunately HeadBangers LifeStyle is no exception. What would normally be our regular features (and priorities) have fallen away so no filmed interviews nor face to face interviews. Add to that the total collapse of the live circuit and it may be clear that we have an enormous gap in our copy and also important we are stuck with standing charges with hardly any revenues to cover them, so we appeal to you.
The people behind the HBLS Team are experienced musicians, music journalists, record company employees and above all music lovers who all participating next to their ‘normal’ day job because they want to and because they have been growing up with rock & heavy metal, which became a way of life.
It would be a pity forever if it’d turn out that everybody’s commitment and invested time would be for nothing. We are not prepared to throw in the towel so we are appealing to your kindness to help headbangerslifestyle.com to survive so we can continue supporting the rock & metal scene.
We have created a donate button for you to make it easy. We do not enforce any values here, whatever you can spare will help us pay for hosting the website and finance the monthly standing charges that comes with that. On behalf of the whole HBLS family we thank you for your generosity and help!
Stay safe, Stay healthy and Rock On!
Lilo, Ron & Ant and the whole crew!