With Kobra Paige [Singer Kobra And The Lotus]
Kobra And The Lotus represents the new and successful generation of heavy metal bands hailing from Canada. It started over a decade ago when lead vocalist and songwriter Kobra Paige formed the band and soon after released the first album `Out Of The Pit’ (2010), that caught quite the attention of the industry. By touring frequently, developing their own sound, influenced by the great metal gods, and releasing a number of albums since then in various line-ups, Kobra And The Lotus became a popular household name in the international heavy metal scene and have been nominated and awarded several times. With the brand new, sixth studio album `Evolution’ Kobra And The Lotus will face a new chapter in its career. It is their best album to date and it is clear the band is ready for the next step. But, not only is Kobra Paige an energetic and cool sounding front lady, also her radiant appearance, kindness and awareness is inspiring. There is no doubt we want to dive into the beauty, fashion and lifestyle routine of Kobra Paige.
,,If you feel good from the inside out, there is no amount of external beauty that can replace that natural vibrancy and glow.”–Kobra Paige
What is your philosophy towards appearance both private and as an artist?
,,My philosophy is do whatever makes you as an individual feel good! Some people prefer to wear more make-up, some people prefer to be more natural. In regards to appearance in a healthful way, eating the right foods, exercising, sleeping well, and proper hygiene massively impacts a person’s internal confidence and I would highly recommend everyone take those variables seriously because they will feel better.’’
What has been a major game changer for you when it comes to your beauty and lifestyle routine?
,,I have to say the most impactful things are those that I just listed. How you take care of yourself affects how you feel and operate in the outside world. If you feel good from the inside out, there is no amount of external beauty that can replace that natural vibrancy and glow. Treat your body like a temple. I move my body a lot everyday using different forms of activities from resistance, to cardio, to yoga. Sweating and releasing the body’s trapped toxins is very important. I drink a lot of water, I track my sleep, if I wear make-up I wear light weight make-up that doesn’t clog my pores, I clean my face every morning and night (very important, especially night), I eat a whole foods diet containing foods in their natural, unrefined forms as much as possible as well as consume a lot of water based vegetables with live enzymes. What you eat affects your mood, hormones, skin texture and vibrancy, gut flora inside your intestines, and many more things.’’
How does your daily beauty routine look like?
,,When I’m not going on stage or going out for a special event, I don’t wear make-up. I have quite an extensive morning and night regimen though. I use a micro-current device called a Nuface on my face every morning to stimulate blood flow as well as lower inflammation/puffiness after sleeping. I use a gentle exfoliant, toner, and pigment correcting serum twice a day. In the morning I put on 30+ SPF sunscreen after cleansing my face and in the evening I use peptides, retinol, and TNS eye cream to hydrate my aging skin! One of my newest additions to my routine are hydrogel eye patches. I chill them in the fridge and wear them for 30 minutes in the morning while I’m doing various tasks. These are amazing for rehydrating the skin under the eyes and minimizing dark circles.’’
How much of a make-up junkie are you?
,,Can I say I’m a half junkie? Unfortunately I’m not the most interesting person in this regard. I prefer a more natural look and don’t enjoy the feeling of much make-up on my skin. Most of my make-up is in neutral colours however I have a few variations in brand.’’
What are your favourite make-up brands and what is the best make-up (or beauty product or tool) invention ever?
My favourite brands are Urban Decay, Anastasia Eyebrow products, Hourglass, and Dior. Recently though, my mom has introduced me to the concept of learning about the toxicity within the makeup and I’m so glad! Many products are full of toxic elements. I’ve added a few pure, mineral based brands to my collection now. These are Mineral Fusion and Au Naturale. I think one of the best beauty products ever created was a lash, growth serum like Orphica or XLash to help people with short lashes enjoy more natural length.’’
Are there make-up items you can’t live without?
,,A lightweight, low coverage foundation, L’Oréal Paris Telescopic mascara in blackest black and ambient lighting bronzer by Hourglass.’’
How different is your make-up behaviour comparing to the old days?
,,I would say it’s a more refined, glowing, and luminous. I try to magnify my natural features and bring out a look of vitality rather than bury my skin in many layers.’’
How do you deal with a facial hangover after a tour?
,,I deal with facial hangovers quite often because of my many food allergies. On tour there are sometimes hidden ingredients inside things that I react to. In the morning I have to do my best to take the inflammation down and darkness under my eyes. My best tricks are to: drink lots of water, take a supplement called Glutathione that aids in detoxing, using the Nuface device to push toxins towards my lymph nodes on either side of the face and jaw, a heavy sweating session involving cardio, ice under the eyes, and hydrogel eye patches. I must say, face masks are definitely worth the money as well.’’
Do you have a certain routine for your hair and how do you deal with a bad hair day?
,,I love to wear my hair in curls or beachy waves. I only have bad hair days if I curl my hair and a curl goes the wrong way or falls flat (which can happen easily!). For beach waves I use a triple barrel curler or a big size waver. I spray it down with Aussi flexible hold hairspray and then run some Kérastase heat protectant in there. I like to use the Kérastase Masque Magistral Hair Mask 3 times a week and also leave in Olaplex 3 after showering. A great perk to doing beach waves is that they look even better after they’ve been slept on! I recommend big waves for anyone in a pinch or needing some extra volume.’’
,,I like to mix Rock ’n Roll with high fashion influences drawn from designers like Alexander McQueen and Versace.”-Kobra Paige
What do we mainly find in your wardrobe and are you an online shopper or like to shop in actual stores?
,,Hmm I would say I’m a bit of both. I don’t enjoy shopping so I will usually go to a mall or a store with a very focused goal on what I’m going to get. I don’t enjoy wandering around and trying many things on. I also like to collaborate with local designers and create original pieces.’’
Anything specific you have an “addiction” for, like to spend too much money on?
,,Probably athletic wear. I am very active and live in my leggings/sports bras so you can find an over the top amount of these things in my closet.’’
What is your signature look on stage?
,,I would say Rock’n Roll Royalty. I like to mix Rock ’n Roll with high fashion influences drawn from designers like Alexander McQueen and Versace. I like to look edgy, classy, and glamorous all at the same time. Many of my outfits have rich velvets with vegan leather and metallic embellishments.’’
What style of clothing makes you feel comfortable wearing when you are not in the spotlights?
,,Without a doubt athletic wear. I love anything that I could potentially go for a run in or stretch and exercise in.’’
Who has been your style icon or role model?
,,Alexander McQueen and Versace.’’
,,I like to also share anecdotes that remind people that everyone is a normal human on Instagram and that no one is flawless with a flawless life.”–Kobra Paige
How do you keep yourself healthy and in shape, also when you are on the road?
,,I find it challenging sometimes, I have to be honest. When we are flying a lot through different time zones, I feel my physical energy is depleted and exercising can go out the window. When I’m on a tour for at least 3 weeks by bus I will make sure I have a solid routine with cardio and resistance training every day. I eat as healthy as possible and find it’s always a choice whether to choose healthful foods or not. I drink half my body weight in water (fluid ounces). Last but definitely not least, I travel with sleep supplements to help ensure as much rest as possible. Sleep is everything!’’
What are your favourite apps while being on the road?
,,My Fitness Pal, Uber, Zoom, Garmin Connect, Anllela Sagra, Alo Moves, Netflix, M32-Q,, Flow.’’
How do you use your personal Instagram account, and is it a full 100% realistic reflection of you?
,,I like this question! I would say yes, it’s pretty close to 100% realistic. I like to mainly post about what is currently happening in my life or music, the messages behind my music, and the things I greatly care about in my life such as family. You can find many bare faced photos on there of me as well. There isn’t a whole lot of selfies. I like to also share anecdotes that remind people that everyone is a normal human on Instagram and that no one is flawless with a flawless life. I find my authenticity has actually hindered my popularity but I feel very satisfied living by my own terms of what I represent.’’
How do you like to spend your free time and how does your perfect day off looks like?
,,I like to spend it exercising, hanging out with family and friends, cooking good food, hanging out with my family’s dogs, and brainstorming strategies for my career and my family’s careers. I like to also spend time volunteering and planning the next act of philanthropy to get involved in.’’
What is your life motto
,,Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.’’
,,My main goal is to energize the audience and show my undivided attention to whoever came.”-Kobra Paige
Why should people check out the latest album `Evolution’ of your band KATL?
,,I think it’s an incredible album and possibly our best all around! ‘Evolution’ is chalk full of musical dynamics, it’s very energizing to listen to, and the messages are very authentic and relatable.’’
What is the bottom-line of this album?
,,We are all on our own journey through life. There will be endless opportunities to learn from our experiences and challenges. If we continue to grasp these lessons, we can continue to evolve and move toward the extraordinary lives we are here to have and create.’’
What do you want to express as a lyricist?
,,I want to express the relatability between humans and the inner struggles we encounter. I want to promote hope, comfort, and motivation through hearing someone who doesn’t know anything about them have the capacity to express and relate directly to what they are going through. I want the lyrics to heal and inspire people’s individual abilities to persevere and flourish through hard times.’’
What does it take to be part of a band like KATL?
,,For my guys, it has taken good musicianship, creativity if they want to be a collaborator in the songs, commitment to all of the events, great showmanship on stage, and treating our fan base with kindness and courtesy.’’
Who is Kobra Paige on stage?
,,Kobra on stage is the fearless and bold part of Kobra. There’s no room for worries on that stage. My main goal is to energize the audience and show my undivided attention to whoever came. It’s my way of also giving my love to everyone who has supported us.’’
What kind of a band mate are you?
,,I will rarely toot my own horn but I’ve gotta say, if you work with me, I will try to give you the world. I’m a caring, thoughtful, helpful, sacrificial, supportive, devoted, forgiving, sensitive, and uber generous band mate. I often will give myself/my resources and care deeply to a fault!’’
Best lesson you learned as a singer and performer over the years?
,,Watch footage of yourself to see where you need to improve. Never stop learning new tricks and working on ways to improve and make your voice more consistent. Be authentic to who YOU are. Run the stage with confidence even if you’re scared shitless sometimes and think the audience isn’t enjoying you!’’
What or who sparked you to sing in a heavy metal band in the first place?
,,I would say the first true Rockstar I ever saw was Brody Dalle from The Distillers. I later segwayed into more hair metal and rock. Guns N’ Roses live DVD in Japan and the videos on YouTube of Sebastian Bach storming the stage at Wembley stadium really inspired me to want to be on stage with a band. It wasn’t until the moment I saw Judas Priest live though that I felt there was a place in metal for my vocal style.’’
Where would you like to see KATL in 5 years?
,,I would like to see KATL playing mostly festivals in the summer in 5 years as a special and rare appearance!’’
All photos by Dan Sturgess of Sturge Media
Kobra And The Lotus Facebook here
Kobra Paige Facebook here
Kobra And The Lotus Website here
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