
AUTOGRAPH-Get Off Your Ass


Another eighties band popping up again! In 1984 the band around singer/guitarist Steve Plunkett, guitarist Steve Lynch, drummer Keni Richards, keyboardist Steve Isham (who passed away in 2008) and bassist Randy Rand released their first CD ‘Sign In Please’ on major label RCA that included their hit ‘Turn Up The Radio’. Thanks to that single Autograph made a big name for themselves in the glam and hair metal scene and backed it up with good music as well. It was not all about looking good, far from. ‘Sign In Please’ is a CD that should be in every heavy rock collection and also their second CD ‘That’s The Stuff’ and third ‘Loud And Clear’ were quite good as well. But the band did not succeed in reproducing that famous hit and come 1989 the group faded away. Steve Plunkett released some solo stuff (‘My Attitude’) and later on released some lost Autograph demos and outtakes. But every now and then you still see that video for ,,Turn Up The Radio’’ come by. In 2013 the band reunited with Richards, Lynch and Rand. Steve Plunkett was asked to join but due to other commitments he declined. With his blessing the band recruited former Jailhouse vocalist/guitarist Simon Daniels. Richards left in 2014 to be replaced by current drummer Marc Wieland. Unfortunately Keni Richards lost his life in April 2017 at the age of 60 (apparently a victim of murder). After releasing an EP through their website Autograph got signed by EMP owned by Megadeth bassist Dave Ellefson. The big difference with the eighties more polished sounding Autograph is that the current formation has chosen for a harder musical approach where there is no room for keyboards. The 2017 version of Autograph produces straight forward melodic hard rock, a bit more simple perhaps but at the end of the day pretty effective. Steve Lynch is still a master on the guitar while the total sound is a lot groovier than ever before. It shall not surprise you that the band has included a version of ,,Turn Up The Radio’’ on this comeback CD. The CD closes of with a robust live version of that song. For the rest ‘Get Off You Ass’ has very decent tunes on offer although there are some cheesy moments as well. So at the end of the day this is a comeback that is worthwhile hearing but to be brutally honest the level that the band reached on their first two records is not completely matched on this one. But that is just a personal opinion, do not let that scare you of this record.


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