Review | Sugariff – Is That Tear Really Mine?

Independent Release

Four seasoned Dutch musicians with a long past have put their talents together in a new outfit called SugaRiff. The line-up: Lain Barbier (guitar/lead-vocals), Mauricio Guerra Lopez (bass), Cyril Whistler (guitar/vocals) and Jusso Whistler (drums/vocals). These boys have worked in bands like Turbo, No Exqze, Penelope, Smalltown Nobodies, Robby Valentine and Whistler/Courbois/Whistler, and have tonnes and tonnes of experience in the studio and on stage.

Especially Lain Barbier is a guy that I have been following for decades. He is a multi-talented vocalist with a voice that has heart, soul, power and feeling. I once saw him sing the Hughes/Thrall song ,,Muscle And Blood’’ and it was just as if you were listening to Glenn Hughes himself. Barbier is capable of singing any genre in rock music as he proves yet again on ‘Is That Tear Really Mine?’.


The twelve songs on this album can be described as a mixed bag. The band combines the finest elements of blues, soul, heavy rock, and a touch of pop and has written songs that really have a head and a tail. The focus is mainly of melodic heavy rock with songs such as ,,Bad Boys’’, ,,Rumours In Town’’ or ,,Don’t Point Your Finger At Me’’. These songs rock but also swing and have very tasty guitar work by Cyril and Lain.

But the main track for me is without a shadow of a doubt ,,Please’’. The singing of Barbier is so emotional, heartfelt, and full of soul while the song is put in a musical bluesy jacket topped with delicious guitar work. With this song SugaRiff delivers their finest moment on this album, at least in my humble opinion. I cannot think of any singer of Dutch soil who would be able to even come close to what Lain Barbier is doing here. Absolutely superb!


As far as the info tells us the band has released this album only via streaming but vinyl will be an option in the very near future. Have a look at their Facebook page or via Instagram (Sugariff_official). Or look them up on YouTube (several tracks such as ,,Bad Boys’’ have been released as a single). This is an album from Dutch soil that could appeal to a large rock audience. So go and have a look and discover the music of SugaRiff. You will not be disappointed!



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