TYGERS OF PAN TANG-Ambush (Re-issue)
Mighty Music
Don’t get too excited folks as ‘Ambush’ is not a new Tygers Of Pan Tang CD but a re-issue with some extra’s like live tracks and some studio work. The Tygers have been delivering goof stuff, especially ‘Ritual’ released last year was quite exciting. Ever since current vocalist Jack Meille entered the scene things have really improved with each album. Unfortunately it seems that earlier this year guitarist Michael McCrystral left the group and spewed some criticism towards founding member Robb Weir claiming that Weir had hardly any input on the music on ‘Ritual’.
Well whatever the case was or is the fact remains that ‘Ritual’ was a very strong release. ‘Ambush’ was and is not bad either. It was the last album the band recorded with guitarist Dean Robinson as he left not so long after the release. Not too sure why the current record company of the band found it necessary to re-release this album, maybe it was already out of print. For fans that only know the band from their last two CD’s obviously this release is quite interesting as the uncomplicated melodic hard rock/metal style of the band was further developed on ‘Ambush’ and in Jack Meille they have really hit the jackpot, as he is for me just as good and maybe even better than Jon Deverill who sang on the legendary album ‘Spellbound’ (do I have to say that that CD should be compulsory in any rock and metal collection?). Obviously the whole record has been remastered and some live tracks have been added as extras and also a studio outtake of the track ,,Cruel Hands Of Time’’ has been put on for good measure. Tygers Of Pan Tang have been on the right track since the arrival of Meille and I expect some more good material coming out of the Tygers camp in the near future. For the time being ‘Ambush’ will do just as ‘Ritual’ and the 2016 release ‘Tygers Of Pan Tang’.
HBLS interview with Robb Weir December 2019 here
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