Heavy Hangover | Ayreon & Loc Brewery – Beneath The Waves
15.000 spectators from 64 different countries around the globe are flooding the streets of the Dutch city of Tilburg in the weekend of September 15th. The fanbase of Ayreon will join their hero on his journey `Beneath the Waves’ for a 5-show stint at the local 013 venue. 5 Sold out shows that unite Ayreonauts in their celebration of Arjen Lucassen’s music featuring a star-studded line up of musicians.
Even since the creation of his first album, the friendly giant has stated his music isn’t meant to be performed onstage, as so many eagerly hoped for. His seclude persona didn’t add to the expectation of Arjen bringing his music to the stages, though everyone hoped his Star One performances of early 2003 proved otherwise.