guitarist of British metal band Tank finishes ten sentences
Mick Tucker is, together with guitarist Cliff Evans, the longest serving member of British metal band Tank. They evolved from a punk metal band in the eighties to a more traditional British heavy metal band in 2015. Since three years Tucker lives in the Netherlands and is pushing the band to a higher level from there. Today Tank is a European band with two Brits, a Dutch bass player and a German drummer and has just released their latest album ‘Valley Of Tears’.
Mick Tucker live Photo: MT Facebook
First thing I do in the morning when I wake up is…
,,…brush my teeth.’’
When I am in the shower I like to sing…
,,I don’t sing.’’
My guilty pleasure is…
Best song on ‘Valley Of Tears’ is…
,,…,,Living A Fantasy’’.’’
I’m a big fan of…
,,…Wishbone Ash.’’
My biggest challenge in life is…
,,…getting Tank as big as possible.’’
I like to collect…
,,…guitars. I do and I sell them as well, I do have a wall full.’’
I really get pissed off and cranky when…
,,…things aren’t going right and I cannot get my own way.’’
If I could switch bodies for one day whom would it be with?
,,I’m happy being me so no switching bodies for me.’’
If I won a million Euro in the lottery I would…
,,…look after Stella, my partner.’’
The album review can be found here.