Live | The Quill & Diggeth – Club Hell – Diest [BE]
24 May 2024
Even though it’s a Friday night only 60 attendees make it to Club Hell tonight for this club package, which is a bit odd given the quality of the line-up and the low ticket price [€12,50 in pre-sale]. The reason for this disappointing turn-up could very well be the Dare club show in the South Of Heaven club in Bilzen, situated only 40 kilometres down the road. Booking two shows that attract a similar crowd on the same night in the same region gives room for discussion. It makes you wonder if the club owners keep an eye on each other’s agenda at all. It is clearly affecting both venues, that’s for sure.

Having addressed this negative note, it still turns out to be a very entertaining night. Both bands really known how to shine. Opener Diggeth could very well have been advertised as co-headliner since they occupy the stage for more than an hour. Which turns out to be anything but a punishment. This enthused trio from the Dutch Achterhoek region is a well-oiled machine that knows how to execute a hard rocking set.

Captain at the wheel is singer/guitarist Harald ‘Big H’ te Grotenhuis who has the looks of an awesome Viking and performs his lead role with high intensity. The band’s crunchy blend of in-your-face hard rock and infectious metal also incorporates elements from southern rock which sets for a highly entertaining heavy hitting formula. If one specific word should summon up this band then ‘bravado’ would be an excellent choice.

Diggeth is a convincing and self –assured outfit that easily wins over crowds. With tons of live experience and two albums under the belt [2019’s `Gringos Galacticos’ and 2022’s `Zero Hour In Doomtown’] this trio has been making its’ mark over these past years and nothing indicates that they will slow down any time soon.

After a thirty minute change over Sweden’s The Quill kick off their set with the catchy groove rocker ,,Keep On Moving’’ of their celebrated 2021 release `Earthrise’. The Quill emerged on the scene 30 years ago and so far released 10 well acclaimed studio albums, the last being this years `Wheel Of Illusion’, which is by far the most doom influenced effort so far. Four songs of that album are being played tonight; besides the Black Sabbath influenced title track the band throws in the moody ,,Elephant Head’’, the intense ,,Sweet mass Confusion’’ with Magnus Ekvall stress testing his mighty vocal chords and the excellent ,,We Burn’’.

The chord structure of that song strongly sounds like the mighty Monster Magnet which makes it go over live greatly. Since the band only plays eleven songs the older material is somewhat neglected which is a bit of a pity; Fan favourite ,,Voodoo Caravan’’ is only represented by ,,Holy In My Head’’ and ,,Hooray! It’s A Death Trip’’ is neglected completely. It’s nothing to get frustrated about though since The Quill manages to convince throughout the whole set. The experienced four piece demonstrates that it has lost little of its’ persuasiveness over the years.

Singer Magnus Ekwall (58) whose intense vocal approach always left a huge mark on the band sound is still in great shape and his bandmates also know how to execute and deliver. After an hour stage time ,,Hallucinate’’ and ,,Stone Believer’’ bring the set to an intense ending. A strong show by an ever so strong outfit. Back on tour in February 2025. Can’t wait!

Header photo by Stan Novak
All other photos by Raymond Helebrand